Tuesday, March 2, 2010

looks like we made it

I always feel like celebrating on March 1.  At the very least, I feel as though I could break into a couple of bars of  "Looks Like We Made It," because that is exactly how I feel.  Winter is nearly over; the end is in sight.

A friend who hails from Florida says that only a New Englander could see a partly cloudy day, with a high of forty-six degrees, as a harbinger of spring.  But I do.  For me, this time is like the moment before a child is born; the pause before life begins.  And I am excited.

I know that we will probably get a few more inches of snow, and a couple of bitterly cold days--I am, after all, from New England.  But that's okay.  Because even on the worst of days I can tell myself the best is yet to come.

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