Wednesday, April 14, 2010

give us this day

The other day, I received an email about a woman who had suffered unspeakable tragedy.  What followed was an outpouring of cyber prayers--"Lord, draw near to her," "Help her to see your hand," "Teach her to trust in you"--all of which were beautiful and appropriate to the situation.  But as I stared at the screen, all I could think was, "Lord, get her through this day.  Help her to get out of bed in the morning and to put one foot in front of the other.  Help her to eat; to breathe; to be."

Sometimes, when life throws us a curve ball (as it seems to be doing a lot lately) we jump right to the grandiose, the hoped-for end result--"Lord, help me to find a job," "Teach me to trust you in these difficult times," "Grant me a sense of purpose and meaning in this nothingness"--when, what we really should be praying for is today.  "Give us this day, Lord, our daily bread."

Help me, God, to put my feet on the floor in the morning.

Help me to see making my kids' lunches as a blessing and not a curse.

Open my eyes Lord to the beauty of your creation as I run.

Grant me wisdom and patience as I make my way through the grocery store.

Remind me to smile and look people in the eye.

Give me this day.

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