Friday, March 26, 2010

an agendaless day

It was snowing this morning and I did not feel like putting on boots and a heavy jacket.  So, I drove Lilly to the bus stop.  In flip-flops.  And I left the engine idling so I could blow hot air onto my cold feet.

When I came home, I put my p.j.s back on to do yoga (now you know why I don't go to a gym).

As sure of myself as I am, I opted for the most intense workout available.  How hard could anything be that you do on a cushion on the floor, I reasoned.  About five minutes into the fifty-minute program, I found myself following "Patty," the girl doing the "modified" routine--you know, the one they put in there for doofuses like me.

After twenty minutes or so, the phone rang.  It was Mark.  He wanted to know if I would like to go to the circus on Mother's Day.  There was a joke in there somewhere but I was too whipped to find it.  So I said, "No, thank you," and hung up the phone. 

Standing in the kitchen, I decided it was as good a time as any to eat breakfast: one egg, poached, a piece of toast and a banana, which I ate because I couldn't wait for the egg.  Fortunately, I was done in time to catch the end of the workout, the part where they lay on the floor and "feel the burn."  I was happy to see that Patty, my guide, was doing the same thing everyone else was.  And I was happy I had a cushion on the hard floor.

Next, I went upstairs and took a shower, not so much because I needed to but because I wanted to.

From there, I set off for the grocery store.  Since it was raining and practically lunch time, I decided to go to the one that gives free samples.  Once, when three-year-old Daisy was shopping with Mark, she said, "you know what's good about samples?  They're right here, they're free, and sometimes they're tasty."  My sentiments exactly.

At the check-out, I realized I had forgotten my bags.  But I remembered to smile at the cashier.  Sometimes I wonder, in the grand scheme of things, which will have a greater impact on our world.  I would like to think it's the latter, mainly because I am always forgetting my bags!

Back home again, I unloaded my groceries, paid a few bills (including an overdue parking ticket), checked my email (none) and poured myself a cup of tea.  Then I waited for the kids to get home and for the rest of my day to begin.

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