Monday, February 22, 2010

day 5

Day 5 without sugar (actually, my daughter tells me, its more like day 4 since I ate a Starlight mint during the coffee hour at church yesterday. She doesn't care that I did it for her!)

I am feeling okay except that I am extremely tired.  My run this morning felt as though it was all uphill.  Okay, it feels like it's uphill every Monday morning but today the hills felt taller and the route definitely seemed longer.

I am also hungry.  Ravenous.  The online sources I consulted tell me this should pass around the second or third day.  One even tried to convince me that I wasn't really hungry.  But I'm hungry and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be hungry for quite some time.

What gets me, is how often I've thought about food--and sugar-- in the last five days.  Its funny; when I was eating sugar, I ate whatever I wanted pretty much whenever I wanted without a second thought.  Now, I think about food all day long.  I think about what I can eat and when, and I think about what I can't eat and why.

Someone recently asked me why I would do such a crazy thing; "why give up sugar of all things," she said.

"I guess," I said, "the point of fasting for me is to learn to look at my life differently; to view things from an entirely different perspective than what I might be used to."

"But, surely," she said, "there must be an easier way."

"I've been thinking about that," I said.  I've definitely been thinking about that.

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