Saturday, February 26, 2011

my grumbly spot

I am in my grumbly spot again.  It is a place I know well.

When I am in my grumbly spot, everything feels like a hassle.  My family, work, church, exercise.  Even getting out of bed in the morning can be drag when I am grumbly.

In my grumbly spot, there never seems to be enough of anything: money,time, conversation hearts. (OK there never seems to be enough of these when I am not grumbly but I don't seem to mind so much then.)

When I am in my grumbly spot, even the things that usually bring me joy,can bring me down, like reading and writing and conversation hearts.  Well, reading and writing, anyway.

In my grumbly spot, peace of mind and contentment seem as remote as warm sunshine on a snowy day.

Which is exactly where I find myself this cold and snowy day.